Modern Modesty. What’s THAT?
The summer has arrived and the breeze blows through your hair as you hear the birds chirping through your cracked windows. As you think about what activities the day holds, you are frantically trying to figure out what to wear to work. It’s that picture perfect moment of throwing things out of the drawer as you seem to find nothing that works! You might be going out to lunch with your boss, taking the kids to a museum, or scheduling a playdate with school friends. The possibilities truly are endless in the life of a nanny. Yes, you guessed it;… Continue Reading →
Looking Professional on Paper // Part 2
Looking Professional on Paper – Electronically that is. REVIEW PART 1 HERE. 3. Attitude gets Altitude. In this modern day world we rarely, if ever use ‘snail mail’ to send our résumés or other interests to a company for employment. I would say that almost everyone sends their information to apply for employment online and through email. When sending things over the internet it is imperative that you look over your email, content, and attachments to be sure everything is perfect. In addition, you want to be sure that all of your communication sounds professional, confident, and does not have any attitude. Lets… Continue Reading →
Looking Professional on Paper // Part One
Looking Professional on Paper – Electronically that is. How awesome is your résumé? Is it completely formatted, spell checked, and grammar checked? Everyday I filter through résumés and emails of those interested in working with The Windsor Agency. I know it has been said, but it seems that our ‘electronic world’ has kept many from using their ability to write professionally. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are full of #hashtags and incomplete sentences. The Windsor Agency has standards and if those are not met it is likely your résumé may not make ‘the cut.’ We want you to make ‘the cut’ so… Continue Reading →