You are Not Alone: The Importance of Getting Involved

You arrive at work and the kids are so excited to see you – well of course they are, you’re awesome! If you are getting kids ready for camp over the Summer, there is definitely that rush to get everyone dressed, lunches packed, and everyone (and everything!) loaded in the car. The parents rush off to work and you have two kids at camp and a toddler with you all day. One day you may have a playdate with a nanny and her charges, but you mostly just operate on your family’s routine. Being a nanny can sometimes make you feel like you are all alone, however, this should not be the case.

Not having colleagues. This could be a blessing and a curse to a nanny. Who thinks, ‘Gosh, I wish I worked in a corporate office where there are soap opera episodes to deal with everyday.’ {Most nannies do not have this thought, right!?} Guess what? When you are a nanny there are so many opportunities to get together with other nannies and share your experiences with others. Many nannies enjoy consulting other nannies on how to work out a situation or just have some common ground in life.

As a nanny, it is extremely important to get involved in any part of the nanny industry that is local or national. When is the last time you went to a workshop to further your education about being a nanny? Doctors and nurses every year have to attend CME (Continuing Medical Education) courses in order to stay up to date on what is happening in the world of medicine. So I ask you, why shouldn’t a nanny stay up to date on what is going on in the private service industry? Believe it or not things change by the day. Specifically, as a nanny, do you know all info you need to about the changes that have been made in the last couple of years pertaining to carseat requirements? Are you current in infant and pediatric CPR and First Aid?

Truly the list could never end about the things that nannies could be sure that they are up to date on. Lets brainstorm on some ways that you could stay connected:

  1. Get involved in a nanny playgroup in your area. If you do not have a nanny playgroup you could start your own or even get connected with educators in the community. Also, there are nanny associations in larger cities that offer a ton of great information and events for nannies in the area.
  2. Social media. Through social media you can learn a ton of things that are going on. Go online and search for groups in your area or even nationwide.
  3. Blogs. Don’t you just love a good blog?! There are many agencies and associations that blog about the nanny world that can help you get information quickly. Many agencies in the nation post their blog entries to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Be sure to follow them and you can get quick up to date information on the private service industry. Of course, this is one where you just get involved virtually, however, it is still a way to stay connected and ask questions to experts and other nannies.
  4. Volunteering. Getting involved in your choice of a charity or church can help you get connected to those in your community. How amazing would it be if nannies in one city get together to serve at a charity each month? Through volunteering you can make friends and share your story about your life and inspire others. Everyone has a story and can help others through their life lessons. Find something you are passionate about and then research it to find out what is going on in your community. Also, some volunteering can be done with children serving along side of you. I think children learning to give back and helping others is an invaluable lesson in life. Of course, be sure that it is something that would be fun for them to help with. I actually had a great time once going out and buying blankets for a local charity during the Winter with the children. The children willingly used their own allowance to help with the charity. What a great lesson and experience for them to take the blankets up there to the homeless shelter. The options are endless that you could do by yourself outside of work or with children during the workday.
  5. Professional groups. Every (well most) Chamber of Commerce has a Young Professionals Association (YPA) that can help you meet fellow professionals. Most YPA’s have monthly socials, volunteering opportunities, and other professional development classes for the group available. This is a fantastic way to meet people that are passionate about their careers too! Also, if you are an educator there are groups that help teachers share ideas that are happening in the education system as well. Check with your local school system’s educators to see if they have any groups that they recommend.

OH How I LOVE Conferences!  

Throughout the year, usually Spring and Fall, there are two conferences that are truly valuable for nannies to attend. The picture above is from the 2011 APNA Conference in San Diego where Lexy Lionel, founder and president of Nannies and Housekeepers USA, was ‘crowned’ Agency of the Year! APNA (Association of Premiere Nanny Agencies) is a conference organized just for agency owners and their staff – we have a HUGE time together!

International Nanny Association Conference (INA): This conference is filled with amazing nannies, baby nurses, and agencies that have a tremendous time. If you have never attended, you must! There are valuable speakers that talk on relevant topics and teach you great need-to-know things to bring back to your family and charges. In addition, I believe it brings confidence to your job and yourself. You may learn amazing skills, ideas, and other items that will ‘wow’ your employers. You will never know everything so it is vital for you to be apart of something that can help you to continue to grow. INA is a wonderful place to make friends for years to come and provide that cure for ‘I’m alone at my job.’ Personally, I have made amazing friends and connections to provide me with a great time, mentorship, and friendships that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

You need to become a PROUD member of INA and go to  LA in 2014 for the next INA Conference!

NannypaloozaNannypalooza: Isn’t that just a fun name! Every Fall a large group of nannies get together to have a wonderful time learning new things together. This is a weekend of complete dedication to nannies and helping them grow in their jobs. You can count on making great friends and learning from great speakers. It isn’t too late to go and great memories for a lifetime in 2013!

GO Register now for 2013’s Conference November 2-3 in Ohio here!

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Domestic Estate Managers Association (DEMA): DEMA is an incredible association for those who are private service professionals. DEMA helps with all household staff and truly have an eye for excellence. They have a tremendous vision of being located across the USA and world-wide. Today they have succeeded by having 43 states and 18 countries with DEMA Chapters that help educated and provide resources for those communities. DEMA is truly a great resource for the household professional looking for help in a project (perhaps looking for the right vendor) and problem solving. As a private service industry professional they are an invaluable asset that you should be apart of!  “The fundamental purpose of the association is to raise industry standards. Our members have access to local chapter meetings, educational materials, webinars and a network of individuals striving to make a difference in the industry. DEMA provides the Private Service Community with invaluable resources to tackle everyday challenges, thus we are increasing job security and empowering our members to ensure they protect and preserve the estates they are involved in managing.” ~DEMA.

YOU don’t want to miss their conference in September of 2013. They will be holding their conference in sunny Florida from September 27-29th, 2013. You can get all the scoop here about the conference! Don’t miss out! 

NNTDIMAGENational Nanny Training Day (NNTD) organized by Nanny Biz Reviews is an INCREDIBLE yearly seminar that is held by different agencies across the country. I personally have attended one just as an attendee and in 2013 was able to speak to the fabulous ladies of Durham, North Carolina. I will say first hand, this is one of the best ways to get connected to your community of nannies. Each nanny leaves with new friends and resources that they can take back to their jobs. Each location has different speakers on different topics – truly a variety of awesomeness! Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s NNTD in a city near you on APRIL 12, 2014! The Windsor Agency will be holding NNTD in Charlotte and we hope to see you there. There will be more information posted in early 2014.

Here is the CHALLENGE!

I know you love a good challenge! First, I want you take an initiative in getting yourself involved in your community. If you feel alone in your nanny job, it is truly only your fault and YOU can change that! There are ways to get involved in your community to make a difference; you can find a shelter that feeds homeless families, check out a nanny group, or volunteer at one of your favorite charities. I am just dreaming here – what if every nanny in the world chose a cause that they were passionate about and made a difference one by one? As nannies you make a difference every single day in the life of your job, but I am thinking BEYOND that. Secondly, sign up for at least one Continuing Education course or one of the awesome conferences we discussed earlier. If you do a single Continuing Education course, do something you haven’t learned about before – break out of your box! Lastly, google or Facebook search what nanny group(s) you can get involved with locally! ALSO, there just might be an essay contest in the next year for those who do ‘the challenge’ and want to share about their experiences :)

 You. Are. Not. Alone. Go get involved and see how your life can change. There are many people that can be blessed by your beautiful face!

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
― Maya Angelou


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